Austin Kothig presented our paper "A Bayesian System for Noise-Robust Binaural Sound Localisation for Humanoid Robots" at ROSE2019
A Bayesian method of combining acoustic data from multiple head locations to help resolve ambiguities and better decompose the
acoustic scene into individual sound sources.
I am pleased to inform you that our work "Cultural differences in speed adaptation in human-robot interaction tasks" has now been accepted for publication in Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics.
I share this work with the other authors Alessandra Sciutti, Hagen Lehmann, Giulio Sandini, Yukie Nagai" and Fabio Vannucci
I am pleased to inform you that our work "Human motion understanding for selecting action timing in collaborative Human-Robot Interaction" has now been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
I am glad to collaborate with the other authors of the manuscript Alessia Vignolo, Alessandra Sciutti, Nicoletta Noceti