The PARTNER project proposes a system integrating robotics and ICT assistance that will enhance the independence of the seniors in their homes, promotes seniors` social inclusion and demonstrates QoL enhancement for seniors and their caregivers. First, two distinct robot platforms addressing different embodiment designs SOTA and CER will be developed to implement and validate assistance functions. The robots will use easily interpretable human-robot interaction schemes to empower the seniors to overcome difficulties associated with ageing. The robots assist elderly persons by monitoring via natural interaction their clinical status, by adapting the assistance strategy to personal preferences, by engaging them in self-awareness on age-related impairments. Robot interaction with the senior relies on specific perception skills implemented on the robot, measures of selected human wearable IoT devices and sensors distributed in the smart home context. This enables prompt intervention, promotes self-esteem and independence among seniors, and relieves informal carers from continuous monitoring of the senior and makes home a safe and secure environment. Second, the project strategically builds a novel large-scale data network by accumulating sensor data across all users, thereby leveraging Big Data as game changer in health care. Big Data will be collected and shared among inter-connected robots and, results in novel databases network for the novel assistance strategies by comparing senior`s clinical, cognitive and social patterns with existing data.PARTNER paves the way for effective services that promote sustainable health care and that have direct and positive impact on the seniors and caregivers` lives. Stakeholders in Europe and Japan proactively contribute to the project development and demonstrate the effectiveness its level of acceptability. PARTNER prepares fertile soil to innovation breakthroughs by promoting cutting-edge Robotics and ICT technologies.
Partners participating to the project